Thursday, March 12, 2020

Comment from Marjie Lewis:

The Jewish people certainly have suffered continuously since the death of Jesus. In Old Testament times, the Jews would turn away from God and while out from under His protection, would be overrun by enemies who would destroy their lands and take them into exile. But time and again, they eventually repented and asked God for intervention. The Lord was always faithful to restore them to their lands and prosperity.
This last great turning away was from the long-awaited Messiah they not only refused to accept, but sought to permanently silence through crucifixion. The horror that has fallen upon the Jewish people since that time has been great. They were scattered throughout the world and even when finally, obtaining their homeland a few decades ago, they have been embroiled in continuous wars with their Enemies on all sides.

A few years ago, our kids managed some kiosks at the Opry Mills Mall in Nashville. Israeli young people would come to the USA on a work visa and work these kiosks. One of these young men (who had a Christian mother and a Jewish father) began to discuss with me his doubts about Christianity. I asked him why God had allowed the Jewish Temple to be destroyed almost 2000 years ago since it was vital to fulfill God's commands for worship? And today there is a huge Islamic mosque built on its foundations, so there is no possibility of rebuilding it. Is it possible God allowed the temple to be permanetly destroyed because it was no longer necessary? Because Jesus is indeed the Messiah and the New Covenant?

This point pierced his heart deeply and he agreed it would seem Jesus must be the Messiah.

America is clearly in process of rejecting God from politics, schools, the workplace and all public gatherings. There are pending laws in many places that would encroach on the beliefs and practices within our religious organizations and churches. Thankfully there are many Christians who recognize this horrendous danger and they are organizing, uniting, praying and repenting on behalf of our nation before we sink to the very depths.

We have watched European Christians meekly accept the corruption of their society for the misguided sake of Christian compassion and they now live under legal persecution of many facets of their Christian faith. Increasing numbers of American Christians are fighting to keep our nation from going down this same dark path.

The prayers of these intercessors are like a "wall" preventing anti-god liberals from easily sweeping away the very foundations that have made America great and prosperous. May we all have strength and fortitude to persevere in this spiritual battle. If we do, God will be faithful to intervene as He has so many times throughout the centuries.

March 7, 2010 1:52 AM

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