Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Deep Sense of Awe

Reading: Acts 1: 12-15, 2:1, 42-47,

Going back a little to right after Jesus ascended into heaven. What did His apostles do right after He ascended? And what did they do after the out pouring of the Holy Spirit?

"Then the apostles returned to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives... When they arrived, they went to the upper room of the house they were staying... during this time... about 120 believers were meeting together in one place... On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place, (with one accord NKJ) Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven..." Acts 1: 12-15, 2:1,2 NLT
It was at this point that the Holy Spirit came upon them in power with the baptism of fire. What does this mean that they were with one accord? They were in agreement with each other, having a unity of one mind and purpose. They lived in a harmony that lead to action. * After the outpouring of the Spirit, Peter spoke with great anointing moving the hearts of 3,000 people to repent of their sins, turn to God and be baptized. After this the believers formed a community and a vital church grows through the power of the Spirit moving in hearts fully committed to Christ.

"All the believers devoted themselves (steadfastly) to the apostles teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (in the breaking of bread, including the Lord's Supper), and to prayer. Then fear came upon every soul, (a deep sense of awe) and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders." Acts 2: 42-47 NLT/NKJ

This is their response to the miracle of the Holy Spirit, Glory of God being poured out upon them; fear came upon every soul, (a deep sense of awe). This section is not a formula to replicate at the will of man for church growth. It is a work that begins in the heart of an individual, souls longing for their God. God in His perfect timing, poured out His Spirit; giving His disciples in the kind of power that moves hearts. His signs and wonders gave authority to His spoken words. "Fear came upon every soul, a deep sense of awe".  As I read this my heart is drawn to Him... I don't want to leave this place. For me it is the deep sense of who God is, and to be in His Presence. He puts everything into perspective. In His Presence we recognize our own faults, we see our own need for Him as He calls us to repentance. There are many examples in both New and Old Testament. Isaiah comes to mind in Chapter 6 where as he stands before the presence of God, He revealed the sin in Isaiah's heart. See the post Woe is Me, also,  In Awe of the Risen Christ, and other posts on being Poor in Spirit. 

Some time ago I asked a dear friend why we don't see the signs and wonders anymore in the church. I will include her reply:

Cindy said...
As I have sought the Lord, I have seen this time we are in as one of purging and testing, a time of reckoning--He is drawing those that will to Himself in a way that will bring sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf. A time that will bring understanding of His Word and the ability to KNOW God. This awakening, if you will, is a work of His Spirit in the willing heart, a quiet work between God and His Beloved... the passionate, persistent, pursuer of God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior by His Holy Spirit which brings His transformation in the inner man.

Do you see the church His Body transformed like Peter was? He has called us to new birth in Him. Jesus Christ is the author of a faith which purifies and gives victory over sin.

His timing is perfect, who can hold the Glory of the Lord that brings forth the anointing which will bring His signs and wonders that will follow His Word (truth)... We see in Acts, as they all waited in one accorded seeking the Lord, having relinquished all to Him, the Lord brought to them the baptism of fire that brought forth the power of God through them.

With all my heart, I believe that we shall see the powerful, anointed move of God through His Body, His Church, the question is to all of us is... what or who has your heart? 
Oh, my heart is moved as I consider the state of our country, the state of our world. Lord, what is to come? What are we to do? How are we to live in such a time as this; the time that we are appointed to live in? Two things come to my mind and heart... first and foremost is true humility and repentance before God and secondly, to meet with other people who are of this mind and heart to seek our God's mercy for His people. This beautiful call from God comes to mind:

"...if my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray 
and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, 
then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 
2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJ

How do we truly humble ourselves? We come to Him in prayer,  seek His Face through the Word of God. Behold Him and allow the fear of God to come upon your soul, allow a deep sense of awe to grasp your heart and bring you into repentance.

 The deep question Cindy asked is what or who has your heart? Be in prayer my brothers and sisters. Come to God in humility, pray and seek His Face, turn away from your sin and toward the God who loves you, then our revival and restoration will come, then the anointing and glory of His baptism of His Holy Spirit will come with fire and great power... in His time.

*From Word Wealth Acts 2:1 in the New Spirit Filled Life Bible

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