Saturday, April 15, 2017

In the Tomb

Silent Sabbath
Saturday: Genesis 1:26, 2:1-3, 7, John 1:1-14, 19:28-30,

On the sixth day of creation God formed the man Adam, the first human being, from the dust of the ground..I imagine He formed Adam with His own hands. Then He breathed the breath of life into him and man became a living soul. On the sixth day God finished His marvelous work of creation. Then on the seventh day He rested from all of His work. We are told in many instances in the Bible that God created everything through Jesus Christ. Now we see Christ dead in a tomb. How could that be? The Creator of Life dead in a stone tomb?

 On the sixth day of Passover week, Jesus Christ, the Son of God was crucified.  His arms were stretched out across a wooden beam and the beautiful hands that formed Adam, the first man; were now nailed to the cross.  As He hung there, a breath away from death, He said:  "'It is Finished!' And bowing His head, He gave up His Spirit."John 19:30 NKJ  He breathed His last breathe on this earth, as a human on the sixth day of Passover Week. He was taken down in the evening and laid in a tomb. It was preparation day for Sabbath and His body needed to be put away.

On this sixth day of His Passion, He finished His work. He died in our place to reconcile us with God; and then on the seventh day He rested. On that blessed and holy Sabbath day the author of life laid lifeless. He rested from all His work. The Creator who spoke Creation into existence lay silent... in a cold dark tomb. What was this Work that Christ accomplished? And why was it necessary?

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What Does Christs Death Mean to Me?

"Then Jesus shouted out again, 'It is finished!' and He released His Spirit. 
At that moment the curtain in the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom." 
Matthew 27:50, 50 and John 19:30 NLT

Lord, Jesus You finished what You came to do. You "poured out Your soul unto death and bore our sins. Isa. 53:12 NLT You Lord, 2000 years ago bore my sin, and now through faith in Your finished work, I am free and forgiven... reconciled to God. The veil that separated me from You is now torn in two, opening access into the very presence of God. Thank You Father, for You have:

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