Saturday, December 16, 2023

Advent Three - The Light of Joy Breaks Through

Week Three
December 17-23, 2023
The Light of Joy Breaks Through
We began this Advent Journey two weeks ago with the theme of the week -  The Light of Hope Shines in the Darkness. The key verse from Isaiah describes the darkness of human plight contrasted with the prophecy of hope that a great light will come. About 700 years later the Light of Joy Broke Through! That light is Jesus Christ. That first week we examined the darkness that came into the world through Adam and Eve's sin. Then we looked at the prophecies of the coming hope, a Son of promise and a Son to be a King - Jesus Christ. In the following week - The Light of Faith Revealed in Struggles, we looked into the lives of Zacharias and Mary. Each had an angelic visit with a seemingly impossible message to believe. Yes, they and their family around them, especially Joseph and Mary's parents must have struggled in their faith to believe that Mary was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. How could such a thing happen? And Mary, what a struggle for her! This is portrayed with excellence in the Nativity movie.

This week, ... we see the joy surrounding the coming of Jesus. We look at  Jesus in Matthew, Luke and John; as well as prophecies in Isaiah tied in with the Nativity Story. This week light three candles.

An Angel Visits Joseph 

Angel Visits Joseph - Tissot
Matt 1:18-25, Isaiah 7:14, Col. 1:15, John 1:1-3

Not only was Zacharias' and Mary's faith challenged; so was Joseph's. How could he believe that his fiance got pregnant by the Holy Spirit? So unlikely, until an angel appeared to him as well. Beyond that miracle though is prophecy of who Jesus is and His mission.
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Genealogy of Jesus 

Matt 1:18-25, Hebrews 2:17, 18 4:15

Jesus Calls His First Disciples
This about the people in Jesus' ancestral line. So many interesting people. There are fathers and sons listed in this genealogy record. Some of the names are a little difficult to pronounce; but each one represents a person and a life lived. More importantly, these were the people God chose to bring forth His son. They must have been pretty amazing people, right? Many of them were people of strong faith, devotion toward God and humility. But they were also people, like you and I... capable of mistakes and sin... lying and deceiving... and in some cases, really big sins... like adultery, prostitution, and murder. Why would God allow His Son to come from such sinful people? In speaking of God's Son, the author of Hebrews says:
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Joy to the World 

Luke 2:1-7

"Joy to the world, the Lord is come.
Let earth receive Her King.
Let every heart prepare Him room."

There was no room for them in the Inn. So He, the King of all heaven and earth was born in a stable to simple peasants. Through the ages since His Coming, millions have prepared room for Him in their hearts across the face of the earth.
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Simeon See’s God’s Salvation 

Simeons Moment
Luke 2:21-38

"... my eyes have seen Your salvation
Which you have prepared before the face of all peoples,
A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles,
And the glory of Your people Israel."
Luke 2:30-32

Enjoy your reading today in this rich passage. I hardly know what to emphasize, there are so many wonderful things here. Read More

Light of the World 

Luke 2:30-32, John 1:4-13, 8:12, fulfills Isaiah 9:2
Simeon said as he blessed baby Jesus:  

"... my eyes have seen Your salvation 
Which you have prepared before the face of all peoples, 
A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, 
And the glory of Your people Israel."  
Luke 2:30-32

Today we will look at Jesus as a grown man and as the light prophesied by Simeon. The Apostle John says of Jesus: Read More

The Brightness of His Glory 

Luke 2:30-32, Heb 1:1-3, 2Cor 4:6,7, 3:18

"The Son is the radiance of God's glory and
the exact representation of His being,
sustaining all things by His powerful word.
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This concludes Week 3 of our Advent Readings.
The Light of Joy Breaks Through

Now we move to the fourth and final week of Advent.
The Light of Peace, the Prince of Peace is Born 
Yes, The Light of Peace, because the Prince of Peace is Born!

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