Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Behold the Lamb of God

Today's Reading: John 1:19-34, Genesis 22:1-18

The next day, John saw Jesus coming toward Him and said,

"Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" vs 29
What did John mean when He said this about Jesus? The lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world? How could this be? If you have not heard about this before, it may be a bit confusing for someone living in our modern world and not knowing about an ancient story that sets the stage for one of the great mysteries of all the ages. You see, God our Creator is completely holy, beautiful, radiant with piercing holy light. We as human beings are dark and sinful, unable to even exist in His Presence. In the ancient times, God reached out to people. These stories are contained in the Old Testament of the Bible. There was a time that God allowed people to make animal sacrifices, often times it was a lamb, as a way for them to atone for their sins. Why is that? Because sin causes pain and needed a sacrifice, a vivid reminder of the misery and death that sin brings into our lives. God, in His mercy has done something wonderful for us. In Genesis 22:1-8 we see a gift and a promise made by God to Abraham. God called Abraham saying:

"take now your son, your only son, whom you love, and go to Moriah, 
and offer him there as a burnt offering..." Genesis 22:2

Abraham's only son was Isaac, the son of God's promise, the son of he and Sarah's old age. He was precious to Abraham and very much loved. Yet, Abraham's trust in God was greater than anything else in his life. So Abraham made preparations and set out on the journey... along the way Isaac asked his father:

"My Father... look, the fire and the wood, 
but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? 
And Abraham said, 
'My son, God will provide for Himself 
the lamb for a burnt offering'.
vs 7,
 They continued until they came to the place God had shown Abraham. He built an altar, placed his son on it and was ready to slay him, when the Angel of the Lord called to him
 "Do not lay your hand on the lad, 
or do anything to him; 
for now I know that you fear God, since 
you have not withheld your son, 
your only son, from Me". 
 Then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked, and there behind him was a ram caught in a thicket... So Abraham... took the ram, and offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son. And Abraham called the place, The Lord will Provide, as it is said to this day, "In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided." vs 11-14 This is the prophesied the lamb, that God would one day provide on these very mountains of Moriah. Later the mountain was named mount Zion, the very place where the temple was located and where Jesus was crucified. The Crucifixion of Jesus was prophesied many times in the Old Testament of the Bible.  Zechariah speaks of this in Zech 12:10 and Isaiah in Isa 53. God did provided a sacrifice for sin for all people once and for all when Jesus was crucified. He took His Son, His only begotten Son, whom He loved and offered Him for the sins of all who believe. Yes:

"Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29
"I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God." vs 32-34

Praise God! He did not withhold His Son, His only Son, 
but offered Him for the sins of humanity.
I am in awe of His love and mercy for us.


Victrixa said...

Jesus, the perfect sacrifice! 'All is accomplished', He whispered as He gave up the spirit. What more can we ask for? He accomplished everything at the Cross for us, for our salvation and our sanctification.

Sheri Dinardi said...

Amen to what you said. "All is accomplished" for our salvation, sanctification, and someday our glorification in His presence. Hallelujah!

Unknown said...

Thanks Alisheva and Sheri for your great comments.
I've thought a lot this past year about this fact too that "All is accomplished". It's helped me to evaluate things differently. After all...if Jesus truly did accomplish ALL...then our job is a little easier right? Possibly responding to HIS amazing gift IS the job before us.

I know how easy it is to be outcome based in our thinking. Wanting certain outcomes. Forgetting that God alone initiates...that HE reached out to us while we were yet sinners...that He made a way for us to be reconciled to Him before we even asked...that He conquered sin and death at Calvary without any help from us...that He is the author and finisher of our faith.

How often I thank Him for loving us so and for being so gracious and merciful...for always wanting to be in relationship with us...and for accomplishing everything necessary for that to be possible.

Of all the outcomes I've dreamed and hoped for...A relationship with Him exceeds the all!