Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Fragrance of Sacrifice - Saturday



"Mary took  a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil." John 12:3

What was Mary expressing to Jesus in these beautiful verses? What does this mean for us followers of Jesus? Here are some impressions I had. I believe that Mary loved Jesus with her whole heart. She gave and did not withhold even such an expensive fragrance. It was an extension of her love and appreciation for bringing her brother back from the dead. But even more, someday Jesus would raise her up to eternal life with Him. Imagine being there in that moment. The fragrance filled the house and affected everyone there, especially Jesus; as He was watching her wipe His feet with her beautiful hair.  Mary's love was poured out through the oil. She held nothing back. She expressed her whole heart devotion to Jesus for all to see.  Perhaps there was a moment of silence, awe, as they experienced her passion in spirit and beauty in love,... until the silence was broken by Judas.

Judas Iscariot, the disciple who would soon betray Jesus, pointed out that, the fragrant oil was worth over a years wages. It should have been sold and the money given to the poor. Not that Judas cared for the poor. Actually, he was a thief; and being the one who kept the money box, he helped himself to the funds.  I mention Judas' response to Mary's sacrifice; as this begins the chain of events that will lead to Jesus' sacrifice that will take place very soon. Jesus replied to  Judas saying, "Leave her alone. She did this in preparation for my burial." John 12: 7 NLT As you read through Jesus' words in His last week, you'll see Him predicting His death often. (For example John 12:23-28)

So now let's consider our Lords love and sacrifice. His body was broken for you, His friend. "Greater love has no one than this, that He lay down his life for his friends". See John 15:12-14 He sacrificed His life, that you may live yours. (How do I know if I am His friend? If I do what He commands. See John 15: 10, 14 What does He command? See the Greatest Commandment in Matthew 22:34-40. What will I, what will you do with our own lives? Am I ready to give my whole heart and what is most precious to me? What about you? These are tough questions for me... for all of us American's who live in a culture of self. What does this devotion look like in each of our lives as individuals?

Mary Anoints Jesus' Feet by Daniel Gerhartz

Paul pleads with us to consider the mercy of God. "... offer our bodies as living sacrifices, to be holy and acceptable to Him; as worship to God. See Romans 12:1 Yes, living sacrifices. The animal sacrifices were no longer necessary, since Jesus was sacrificed for our sins. Now we live as living sacrifices! Paul, like the other apostles lived completely for Christ during His life; and then completely for Him in death. Paul's life was a fragrant offering to God. He was the fragrance of Christ. What does that mean? It is the fragrance of life leading to eternal life for all who are being saved. However it is the fragrance of judgment, death and eternal damnation to those who are condemned. See 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 That's why they condemned him to death.

You can kill the messenger, but not the message of Christ. Thanks to the Spirit of God, the gospel of Christ spread across the known world at that time and continues its spread to this day. The same antichrist spirit that lived then lives among us now across the world. The hatred for Christ and us His followers is reaching a feverish pitch. Did you ever think that we would live in a time of persecution in our country because of our faith? The changes in attitude and tone toward Christians is markedly more hateful in recent years. Unless there is widespread revival, we are likely entering a time that to live for Christ will also be to die for Him.  Am I ready? Are you ready? Tough questions, huh?

Lord, give us the faith and courage to bear Your fragrance of life, life eternal to all who are being saved; knowing full well we are the stench of death to those who refuse life in You. May we be light in an ever darkening world. May we be the salt that creates a thirst for Your righteousness, beginning first in our own hearts and spreading through our families, churches and beyond.

Lord, I look to You in faith. Cleanse and prepare my heart each day for what may come. Show me where my heart is divided, what should I renounce. Lord, may I be like Mary, wholly given to you?

Mary Anoints the Feet of Jesus by Daniel Gerhartz - Detail

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