Saturday, April 13, 2024

Words from a Friend

After posting The Lord Worked Through Them I sent an email to a friend asking her to read the above post.
Here is her sensitive reply:

"As I have sought the Lord, I have seen this time we are in as one of purging and testing, a time of reckoning. He is drawing those that will to Himself in a way that will bring sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf. A time that will bring understanding of His Word and the ability to KNOW God.  This awakening, if you will, is a work of His Spirit in the willing heart, a quiet work between God and His Beloved... the passionate, persistent, pursuer of God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior by His Holy Spirit which brings His transformation in the inner man.
Do you see the church, His Body, transformed like Peter was?  He has called us to new birth in Him.   Jesus Christ is the author of a faith which purifies and gives victory over sin.

His timing is perfect. Who can hold the Glory of the Lord that brings forth the anointing which will bring His signs and wonders that will follow His Word of truth? We see in Acts, they all waited in one accorded. In seeking the Lord, they relinquished all to Him. The Lord brought the baptism of fire that brought forth the power of God through them.

With all my heart, I believe that we shall see the powerful, anointed move of God through His Body, His Church, the question is to all of us is... what or who has your heart?"

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