Tuesday, December 8, 2015

God's Answer to David

In Luke 1:31-33, Gabriel told Mary,

"... you will conceive... and bring forth a Son and shall call His name Jesus. 
He will be Great and called Son of the Most High; 
and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His Father David...
and of His Kingdom there will be no end."

These verses fulfill a promise made to King David in 2Samuel 7:11-14. David was dwelling in his beautiful house of cedar and decided to build a house for the arc of God. He told this to Nathan the prophet who then said to do all that was in his heart for the Lord. But that night the word of the Lord came to Nathan saying,
"Go and tell my servant David, '
Would you build a house for Me to dwell in?...
"The Lord tells you that 
He will make you a house. 
"I will set up your seed after you,
who will come from your body,
"Go and tell my servant David, '
Would you build a house for Me to dwell in?..."
The Lord tells you that He will make you a house. 

"I will set up your seed after you,
who will come from your body, I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.
I will be his Father and He shall be My son" .vs 5,11-14

"Then King David went in and sat before the Lord; and he said
'Who am I, O Lord God?
And what is my house, that You have brought me this far?'"

This man of humility is the same shepherd King who looked into the night sky and asked God:
"What are people that you should think about them,
mere mortals that you should care for them?"
Psalm 8:3,4

David asked God this Question and God's Answers him by sending His OWN Son born in the lineage of David 1000 years later The Coming of Jesus fulfilled God's promise to David:
"He will be Great and called Son of the Most High; 
and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His Father David...
and of His Kingdom there will be no end."


Marjie Lewis said...

For all of us who experienced life without Jesus and later after our conversion, life centered around Jesus -- we can relate to King David. God takes us as small, insignificant people and opens up doors that lead us to wonderful horizons we never dreamed of.

Victrixa said...

2 Samuel 7:12-22
What's so interesting in this passage is that the Lord gave a revelation to David which, when we read it, leaves us the impression that it was referring specifically about the coming of Jesus! The reality is that God was referring specifically to David, however, He was also referring to Jesus... The thing is that David was a type (theological term) of Jesus (his life pointed to Jesus).

David's reign would also last forever since Jesus would come from the lineage of his kingdom.

v18 Then King David went in and sat before the LORD, and he said: "Who am I, O Sovereign LORD, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? 19 And as if this were not enough in your sight, O Sovereign LORD, you have also spoken about the future of the house of your servant. Is this your usual way of dealing with man, O Sovereign LORD ?

David was wondering why God cares so much about him. He had previously asked "What are people that you should think about them, mere mortals that you should care for them? "The fact that the Lord revealed to him about 'the future of the house' of David with a promise greater than the one he received because from him the Saviour would be brought into this world, was proof He cares for us beyond what we can understand.

v22 "How great you are, O Sovereign LORD! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears." This praise should be in our heart always as we have received the promise of Jesus the King which is are the Good News of His salvation! God's great care for us came through Jesus Christ, the One Who has been calling souls to come to Him for 2000 years.

Sheri Dinardi said...

Praise God for what both of you have said. It is exactly what I see and hope we as sisters in Christ can share. We are NOT insignificant, but greatly and sacrificially loved. This knowledge known in the depths of our heart gives us an everlasting hope.