Saturday, December 5, 2015

David's Question to God

Long ago, a shepherd boy, who became a King, penned the following Psalm (song). I can imagine him on a hillside, bedded down with his sheep, looking up into the heavens, amazed with it's vastness and glory. By comparison he must have felt so small and insignificant.

"When I look at the night sky and see the work of Your fingers, 
the moon and the stars, 
you set in place- what are people that you should think about them, 
mere mortals that you should care for them?"
Psalm 8:3-4

In comparison to a vast universe we are small indeed and can feel insignificant. Who am I that God should care about me? In the coming days we will look at how God answers David's question. The promise He makes to David is His answer to us 3,000 years later. His promises are the hope of humanity. Isn't it reassuring to know that God does care for us?! ~Sheri Dinardi

"O Lord, our Lord,
How excellent is Your name in all the earth,
Who have set Your glory above the heavens."

Psalm 8:1

For more on King David


Marjie Lewis said...

I was reading Rick Warren's "The Purpose of Christmas" and he has a chapter talking of God's phenomenal love for each of us. How he created the earth with so many things we would enjoy via the senses He gave us -- sight, hearing, taste.

This spurred my thoughts to expectant parents who decorate a bedroom as a nursery and fill it with everything their longed-for baby will need as well as multitudes of things the baby will enjoy. Which would seem to parallel God's feelings towards us.

Victrixa said...

v.1 Ohhhh how God deserves to be praised! He is so wonderful! He is so good for us! His praises should be in our mouths and hearts continually for all that He has done. He alone is worthy to be praised! No human being, no matter how famous or successful or good (according to this world’s standards) they are should be put on a pedestal. Only God ought to be elevated, praised and awed! No human being deserves our praise only Adonai!
v.3 We ought to stop and consider what God has done; we must reflect on His beautiful creation and how this one reflects His love and His glory. They are only a reflection of Who He is; imagine seeing Him as He is? I am speechless; I have no words as I fall in awe before Him for Who He is!
v.4 If we think in human terms, this doesn’t make any sense, does it? Why would this great, eternal, omniscient, omnipotent, three-times holy God even bother with me, a mere human being? This in itself is too great to take in. What’s so incredible is that God has done more than just take care of us from His heavenly throne, He actually came down to us through His Son Jesus Christ! He left His glory in Heaven to make Himself in our condition! How much more can He care for us than this? Also, I am reminded – with awe – that God actually created us to serve Him. He wanted to share His unconditional love so He created us so we could actually be His friends! That’s why we’ve been born. Now if only this lost world would recognize that!

Sheri Dinardi said...

Welcome Elisheva la Sentinella!

The creator of this vast universe IS worthy of all our praise! He IS mindful of us and cares for us. We see this in the Coming of Christ as told in Matthew and Luke. I treasure His word, His love letter to us and look forward to each day reading the Advent of His coming. Jesus is the answer to the question, "Who are we, that You should be mindful of us?"

Unknown said...

I love that HIS names and titles are: LORD...OUR LORD...the ONE who's name is EXCELLENT in all the earth...I love that HE set HIS glory ABOVE the heavens...that HE has ordained praise (strength) out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants because of HIS enemies, that HE may silence them...that He has made us just a little lower than the angels and crowned us with glory and honor and made us to have dominion over the works of HIS hands. I especially love and treasure HIM making it possible for me to know these things about HIM.

Unknown said...

In today's reading Luke 1:57-66 It's so great to think about how Elizabeth's neighbors and relatives rejoiced with her when they heard how the LORD had shown her great mercy. I love the idea of neighbors and relatives rejoicing with me when they hear how the LORD has shown me great mercy as well.

Victrixa said...

To Marjie's reflexion regarding "expectant parents who decorate a bedroom as a nursery and fill it with everything their longed-for baby will need as well as multitudes of things the baby will enjoy. Which would seem to parallel God's feelings towards us." What an excellent comparison to God's love for us! Indeed, when God was creating the universe, the Earth and everything in it, He was thinking about us! He was, as a matter of fact, preparing all these things for our enjoyment and to meet all our needs. Moreover, He probably was very eager to bring us into this world just because He loves us and also to see how we enjoy His creation!

Unknown said...

Well Girls, I'm clicking right along onto Day 3. I'm still so taken with the truth that God ordained praise out of the mouths of babes and nursing infants,BECAUSE OF HIS ENEMIES, that He might silence the enemy and the avenger...Psalm 8 from Day l. Don't think there has been a day that's gone by where I have not shared it with someone. I put the verse on my face book page and women started responding immediately. The fact that God can silence the enemy by the praise of babes and nursing infants is just incredible. The longer I think about it the more I excited I get about our God! I was asking my husband what he thought the verse meant and he thought that babes and nursing infants represented new life and how life defeats death/the enemy. Thanks again Sheri for putting this wonderful Advent Scripture Reading and Blog together.

Sheri Dinardi said...

Thanks for coming and being part of this community of women who love God and His word!

He is Good!!!