Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Mary Visits Elizabeth

Luke 1:39-45

Today's reading is a favorite for women every where, especially those who are moms and enjoyed the wonder of carrying a new life. My favorite verse is:

'At the sound of Mary's greeting,
Elizabeth's child leaped within her,and
Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Elizabeth gave a glad cry and exclaimed to Mary,

"God has blessed you above all women,
and your child is blessed.
Why am I so honored,
that the mother of my Lord should visit me?
When I heard your greeting,
the baby in my womb jumped for joy.
You are blessed because
you believed that the Lord would do what He said."' 
Luke 1:41

These verses fulfill what Angel Gabriel said to Zaccharias:"...He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even before his birth." Luke 1:15 Luke also notes the involvement of the Holy Spirit with Mary when she asked: "But, how can this happen? I am a virgin. The angel replied, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you..." Luke 1:34, 35

Amazing! We see the power of Father God, the Most High move through the Holy Spirit to place His Son into Mary a mere human. His Son is the only human to be begotten, fathered by God. The Greek word (3439) used in John 1:14, 18, 3:16 is monogenes meaning "only born"... (I wonder if it means the only one born with God's genes, His essence?).

I thank God for His Precious Son who was born as a human, died sacrificially that we might have life in His name. And I thank God for the promise we have to receive the gift of His Holy Spirit. Jesus said just before His ascension:

"Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift He promised, ...
you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you."
Acts 1:4, 8


Marjie Lewis said...

I had never tied these two scriptures together before -- powerful!!!

Victrixa said...

Luke 1:39-45
This Scriptural passage makes me wonder if Elizabeth knew, before Mary's visit, that she was pregnant? I don't have the impression that she knew, however, as soon as Mary entered her house, the Holy Spirit revealed to her that this was the case. Not only was Mary pregnant, she learned, but bearing the Lord Himself!

It's wonderful how God gives revelations to humans and also how He chooses those whom the world rejects to fullfil His Plan! Mary was a probably quite unnoticed young woman who came from an insignicant small town - insignificant before men. Elizabeth was probably frowned upon and underevaluated because she had not been able to bear children, barrenness being quite humiliating in those days. According to this culture's time, barrenness was a sign of God's wrath... Anyways, God chose Elizabeth and Mary to fulfill the biggest part of His Plan!

"Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!" exclaimed Elizabeth concerning Mary. I would say that 'blessed is anyone who believes that what the Lord has said will be accomplished!" We also, like Mary, must believe what God says.

Sheri Dinardi said...

I love the insights you have written, Elisheva.

Through out his writings Luke was very perceptive to the move of the Holy Spirit. Inspiring for us to see how the Spirit moves and follow Him in our own lives. I love how John leaped with joy in Elizabeth's womb, as Mary greeted her.

Humility and resulting joy are evident in each of these peoples lives. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. His grace and favor were on the humble people He chose in bringing His Son to humanity.

Marjie Lewis said...

One of Mary's titles given her by the church throughout the centuries is "Spouse of the Holy Spirit". Mary was also the new Eve who would succeed in obedience to God where Eve failed and sinned. Eve would walk with God in the cool of the evening every day. But Mary's entire being was filled with God... spouse of the Holy Spirit, Mother of God's only Son, Jesus, who was growing inside her womb -- present with her every moment of the day and night... Being so filled with God, so one with Him is glorious beyond comprehension.